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Notice concerning the handling of personal data
(D.L. 196/03)
This is to inform you that, in accordance with Para. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03, your personal data will be handled by us in compliance with the Privacy Law, also using electronic and/or automatic equipment, for purposes connected with the fulfilment of legal obligations, in the performance of activities relating to the management of the relationship with the sender.

The proprietor and person responsible for the handling of the data in question is SuitesRome, in the person of its legal representative.

To exercise your rights as provided for in Para. 7 of the Privacy Law, please send an explicit written request to: RelaisRome - Via del Corso, 93 - 00187 Rome - Italy, or to the following email address:

Please read the complete information on handling of personal data: Click HERE

For any other doubt please read our: Terms and Conditions

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